Monday, February 14, 2011

Herman Cain CPAC Speech: 'Stupid People Are Ruining America' (VIDEO)

While I would agree with Mr. Cain that stupid people ARE in fact ruining America I find it rather ironic that he is saying that the liberals are the "stupid people". The only stupid people that I've seen "ruining" America are the people who are stupid enough to vote for Bush, or try to ban gay marriage because they don't "understan­d it" or think its "gross". How about the people who are so stupid that they think that Evolution and Global Warming are "theories" and thus they don't exist because The Bible and conservati­ve greedy "in the back pockets of oil companies" "Scientist­s" tell them that they aren't real. How about the people who try to make correlatio­ns to modern day scientific advances and a 2,000 year old book, or actually believe that that same 2,000 year old book was meant to be taken literally.­.... ALL of these people support the same party that cain does... perhaps if Mr. Cain would like to actually DO something to get rid of the "stupid people ruining America" he'll join a party that will fund education instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy, or at least pay attention to whom his constituen­cy is!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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