Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell: Why Congress is SO useless!

Finally, nearly two decades after the bill originally passed congress Don't Ask Don't Tell, one of the stupidest policies ever created, is over. A judge in San Fransisco has placed a ban on the DADT policy effectively ending it. Not only was this policy offensive to gays and was a violation of the Bill of Rights, but it was just plain stupid. "Sure, you can be in the military if you are gay, but only if we don't know about it!" It didn't change anything! That was the policy before... although before they would ask and if you wanted to serve all you had to do was say "no". As long as you claimed you were straight you were straight. Personally I am grateful to the judge in San Fransisco who put a stop to this nonsense simply because no one else would. Let's see... Its a policy about the military... of who the president (Obama) is Commander in Chief.... couldn't he control the policies of his own military that he presides over? And how about good ole' congress? Couldn't they do something? Well... They TRIED to do something, but because someone had to go and try to sneak in a passage about giving  illegal immigrants rights in the same bill about DADT the bill failed to garner the necessary number of votes to be passed.
Dear Congress:
Stop trying to hide laws in passages of bigger bills. If you want 911 responders to have free healthcare then don't include a passage about illegal immigrants or gay rights. Same goes for repealing DADT. It may be the only way to pass laws on those particular subjects, but in the mean time you are keeping people from what they rightly deserve and you are making sure that no legislation passes WHATSOEVER!

p.s. I'm sorry if I offend any one with this next comment, but if you are a die hard conservative you may want to skip this next part.

Dear GOP:
I don't want to make blanket statements and stereotypes but you are all a bunch of close minded racists bigots. Go take your ridiculous close mindedness someplace else. I'm pretty sure there are a few developing countries that you could completely demolish with your selfish economic policies and ridiculous domestic policies. For instance, if you had actually READ the bible you would find that there are no passages about abortion being wrong, in fact during the time that the bible was written abortion wasn't just common it was an accepted part of life. The idea that a fetus has more rights than a grown woman is a modern idea, and a stupid one at that. It is just one more way for sexist men to try and control women. You would also find in the bible that it is explicitly stated that you should give money to the poor. Thats right economic conservatives.... that means you. So if you right wing bible beaters are going to start quoting the bible every time you mention gay marriage and abortion then perhaps you should start by reading the damn thing. If everything that the bible says is the word of law then I guess socialism ain't so bad after all you racist, sexist, hypocrites. Go take your ignorance someplace else we don't want you here!

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